Do you have problems with broken glass, burglary or vandalism? Hammerglass is a durable abrasion-resistant polycarbonate sheet, 300 times stronger than glass - and virtually unbreakable. With their unique coating, Hammerglass sheets are resistant to most chemicals and acids. The coating also provides a UV protection of 99.96% so that the glass will not become cloudy, bleached or otherwise age over time, while also filtering out the harmful rays of the sun.
Hammerglass-IR, while maintaining all the incredible properties of Hammerglass, is also designed with special coating to reduce the sun ir-radiation by between 48%-55%. This in effect cuts the heat from the sun penetrating your room through the windows by about half. This drastically reduces your cooling cost in electricity bills through airconditioning.

Hammerglass In Brief
| Virtually unbreakable: Prevents people from breaking in or breaking out, even when damaged!
| No Burglar Proofing: Eliminates ugly shutter grills & burglar proofing metal bars which only gives limited security.
| Lightweight: Half the weight of normal glass (density 1,2 kg/m2/mm)
| Solvent resistant: Acetone, petrol, white spirit, paint- and graffiti-removals
| UV resistant: 99,96 %
| High optical clarity: Very high light transmittance
| Smooth surface: Gloss Index Regular Glass: 100, Hammerglass: 180
| "Secured by Design": Certification according to British Police standards for "designing out" crime through physical security and processes
| No moisture ingress Hammerglass is non-hygroscopic
| Self-extinguishing: Does not contribute to the spread of fire, flame retardant, does not emit toxic fumes
| Certified product Well-documented: P7B, P8B EN 356 Security Classification/ISO 9001:2008:14001:2004
|Lasermarked with logo and serial number, traceability
| Higher abrasion resistance than standard Polycarbonate
Explossive Test
A 12mm Hammerglass in a steel frame tested with
3kg of TNT explosives only 3 metres away.
Shop Robbery
A real-life jewellery shop robbery attempt. Since the windows were fitted with Hammerglass, predictably, the thieves left empty handed
The Axe Blows Test
The Swedish National Testing and Research Institute tested Hammerglass, subjecting it to over 72 blows from a pneumatic powered axe to qualify it for a Security Class P8B certification.
The Axe Blows Test
The highly scratch resistant sacrificial safecoat film provides added resistance to Hammerglass. This film can be replaced as needed and protect the glass from strong abrassions.